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Paul Lisson and Fiona Kinsella, Hamilton Arts and Letters, received support for special issue 9.2 on the lifetime achievements of activist photographers Cees and Annerie van Gemerden. CCENA sponsored the hiring of eight essayists to write on the work of the van Gemerdens for HAL, the hosting of a celebration/exhibition of their work, and the funding of editing of the special issue of the magazine.
Click here to read more about the van Gemerdens.
CCENA supported Rick Hill’s work on a book on Haudenosaunee artist’s renderings of the Six Nations creation story. CCENA paid out Rick’s salary so he had a month of writing time to complete the manuscript for this book, which is now being worked in with Six Nations scholars’ collation of versions of the Creation Story.
CCENA enabled honoraria for six writers to produce essays and for the editing of the special issue 10.2 of Hamilton Arts and Letters on community engagement, drawn from former CCENA Research Assistant Melissa Tanti’s experience working with CCENA and researching theory and practices of community engagement.
CCENA linked our local independent bookstore with grad students who could interview the store’s major incoming author for each fall. Before Bryan Prince closed in Spring 2018, we sponsored interviews with Eden Robinson and David Chariandy. Watch and listen to Kaitlin Debicki interview Eden Robinson on our website.