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Home X Work

In her project, Home X Work, Ashley Marshall revisited and walked Hamilton in an exploration of ideas of home, displacement, work, and belonging in and to the city. Drawing on family history and experiences of belonging in the city of Hamilton, Ashley, after having left Hamilton, returned to revisit and exercise her “right to the city” (Lefebvre) in a series of walks or psychogeographical experiences that were autoethnographic. She took photographs and wrote creatively in response to her experiences while drawing on–and disrupting– theories of city walking and flânerie.

Information Box Group

About Ashley Marshall

“Some call it phenomenology, others call it experience. As for me, I believe in Earth’s networks, from the root systems of trees to the conduits of oceans, to the web of the stars that has guided navigators for centuries. Like the little Black girls who had geometry braided into their hair, I seek to reflect those maps, expose their power, and amplify their potential energy. As garnet is to pomegranate, as host is to hospitality, humans have constructed a system of meaning, where one exists in Nature and then we name things after those concepts. The Rhizome Project is no different. We created a way of understanding these human constructs, and a mirror through which we can assess our impact. “

About Ashley's team and The Rhizome Project Click here to access the brochure Ashley developed for her Long Table presentation and read some of her reflections on the project.

“Our project does not perceive the city as a blank campus upon which we can experiment, but rather, our work aims to use collaborative measures to dissect and render visible the various social and material flow that both (re)produce hegemonic power structures and dismantle them. The goal, then, is to make visible how and why the city is (re)produced in specific ways so that our users can a) better understand the way that built space intersects with social and political forces, and b) provide a resource for our users to intervene into this system and engage in their own forms of collaborative ‘city-making.'”